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  本文摘要:One of Ukraine’s most respected journalists was killed by a car bomb in Kiev yesterday, rattling the political establishment and reviving memories of the murder of the editor of the same publication more than a decade ago.乌克兰最不受人敬重的记者之一昨日在一起汽车爆炸案中遇难,震动了该国政界,令人返回想10多年前同一新闻单位总编辑遭到杀害的事情。

One of Ukraine’s most respected journalists was killed by a car bomb in Kiev yesterday, rattling the political establishment and reviving memories of the murder of the editor of the same publication more than a decade ago.乌克兰最不受人敬重的记者之一昨日在一起汽车爆炸案中遇难,震动了该国政界,令人返回想10多年前同一新闻单位总编辑遭到杀害的事情。Pavel Sheremet, 44, a Belarus-born award-winning journalist with Ukrainska Pravda, the country’s leading investigative news website, was killed while driving a car belonging to Olena Prytula, the venture’s manager. She was not in the vehicle.44岁的帕维尔舍列梅特(Pavel Sheremet)出生于白俄罗斯,是乌克兰领先调查新闻网站《乌克兰真理报》(Ukrainska Pravda)一名屡屡得奖的记者。

他在驾驶员一辆归属于网站经理奥廖娜普里图拉(Olena Prytula)的汽车时遇难。普里图拉当时并未在车上。He had been driving to a local radio station to present his regular programme when the explosion happened.发生爆炸再次发生时,他于是以驾车前往一家当地电台做到他的定期节目。

Yury Lutsenko, Ukraine’s prosecutor-general, wrote in an online post: “Pavel Sheremet’s death is the result of an explosive device. It’s murder”.乌克兰总检察长尤里卢岑科(Yury Lutsenko)在网上发文称之为:“帕维尔舍列梅特病死一个发生爆炸装置。这是一起杀害”。

“I’m shocked,” Khatia Dekanoidze, head of Ukraine’s national police said. “We are exploring all scenarios.”“我回应深感愤慨,”乌克兰国家警察局局长卡蒂雅德卡努瓦泽(Khatia Dekanoidze)说道,“我们正在调查所有的有可能情形。”“I think this was done with the sole purpose of destabilising the situation in Ukraine,” Petro Poroshenko, Ukraine president, said during discussions with police and security officials aired on TV. “I don’t exclude the presence of foreign interests here,” he added.“我指出,发生爆炸的唯一目的是毁坏乌克兰的稳定局势,”乌克兰总统彼得罗波罗申科(Petro Poroshenko)在与警员、安全性官员们开会讨论期间回应。“我无法回避境外势力介入了此事的可能性,”他接着说道。

这次会议在电视上被播映。The case brought back memories of the murder of Georgy Gongadze, the founder of Ukrainska Pravda and Ms Prytula’s companion, who was abducted in 2000 by corrupt police officers, murdered and beheaded in a case with dark political overtones.这起发生爆炸让人返回想《乌克兰真理报》创立者、普里图拉的伴侣格奥尔基贡加泽(Georgy Gongadze)被杀害一事。

2000年,贡加泽遭贪腐警员的杀害,被杀害后还被砍下头颅,该案具有黑暗的政治色彩。Covered up for many years by domestic law enforcement, Gongadze’s death sparked protests against then-president Leonid Kuchma, who was implicated in the killing by leaked audio recordings.多年被国内执法人员当局掩饰的贡加泽之杀,引起了针对时任乌克兰总统列昴尼德库奇马(Leonid Kuchma)的抗议活动。

泄漏的录音指出,库奇马与那起杀害有株连。A senior police officer was later found guilty of the murder, but claimed to have done so on orders from the top.后来,一名高级警官判处谋杀罪名正式成立,但他声称是按照上面的意思行事的。

Mr Kuchma has always denied involvement and suggested Gongadze’s murder was a set-up by foreign intelligence services intended to discredit him and Ukraine.库奇马一直不否认自己有任何株连,并似乎,贡加泽之杀是境外情报机关所为,目的是为了让他本人和乌克兰蒙羞。Yesterday, Ukrainian officials were quick to suggest what one called a “Russian footprint” in Sheremet’s killing, saying it was part of a plot to discredit the country as Kiev battles Russia-backed separatists in breakaway eastern regions.昨日,乌克兰官员们迅速表态,似乎舍列梅特遇害不存在其中一人所称之为的“俄罗斯脚印”。他们回应,这是一场阴谋,为的是在乌克兰与俄罗斯反对的分化分子在主张独立国家的东部地区进行战斗之际,给乌克兰污蔑。

In comments aired on Ukrainian TV, Anton Gerashchenko, an MP and confidant of Arsen Avakov, Ukraine’s interior ministry chief, suggested the possible involvement of Russian secret services, while Zorian Skiryak, an adviser to Mr Avakov, said: “We cannot rule out the Russian footprint...I personally lean towards this scenario.”在乌克兰电视播出的言论中,乌克兰内政部长阿尔森阿瓦科夫(Arsen Avakov)的密友、议员安东格拉先科(Anton Gerashchenko)明确提出,俄罗斯情报机关有可能参予了此事,而阿瓦科夫的顾问佐里安斯科亚克(Zorian Skiryak)回应:“我们无法回避‘俄罗斯脚印’……我个人偏向于这一情形。”These claims were rejected by Moscow. Dmitry Peskov, President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman, said Sheremet’s murder was “cause for very serious concern in the Kremlin”, pointing to Sheremet’s Russian citizenship.莫斯科方面坚称了这些众说纷纭。俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔普京(Vladimir Putin)的发言人德米特里巴斯科夫(Dmitry Peskov)说道,舍列梅特被杀害“引发了克里姆林宫的很大担忧”,他认为舍列梅特享有俄罗斯公民身份。



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