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  本文摘要:China on Tuesday released images of a Mars probe and rover which the country plans to send to the Red Planet within five years.上周二,中国公布了火星探测器和火星车的图片,并计划在五年内将其升空到火星上。

China on Tuesday released images of a Mars probe and rover which the country plans to send to the Red Planet within five years.上周二,中国公布了火星探测器和火星车的图片,并计划在五年内将其升空到火星上。China plans to send a spacecraft to orbit Mars, make a landing, and deploy a rover in July or August 2020, said Zhang Rongqiao, chief architect of the Mars mission at a press conference in Beijing. The challenges we face are unprecedented.在北京开会的一场发布会上,火星观测任务的总工程师张荣桥回应,中国计划在2020年七月或八月升空飞船,在火星降落并部署火星车。

而我们面对的挑战前所未有。According to Ye Peijian, one of Chinas leading aerospace experts and a consultant to the program, the 2020 mission will be launched on a Long March-5 carrier rocket from the Wenchang space launch center in south Chinas Hainan province.中国领先航空航天专家、项目顾问叶培建回应,2020年实行的这项任务,将在海南文昌航空升空中心升空的长征5号运载火箭上已完成。The lander will separate from the orbiter at the end of a journey of around seven months and touch down in a low latitude area in the northern hemisphere of Mars where the rover will explore the surface.着陆器将在为期7个月左右的行程完结时分离出来环绕着器,之后火星车不会降至火星北半球低纬度地区,开始探寻火星表面。

Images displayed at press conference showed a device with six wheels, powered by four solar panels, two more than the rover sent to the moon.根据在发布会上展出的图片表明,该火星车有六个轮子,由四个太阳能板驱动,要比“玉兔”多两个。Weighing around 200 kilograms, it is designed to operate for three Martian months, according to Sun Zezhou, chief designer of the probe.据火星探测器的总设计师孙泽洲讲解,火星车重达200多千克,预计可在火星上工作三个月。

The probe, for its part, will carry 13 payloads including a remote sensing camera and a ground penetrating radar which could be used to study the soil, environment, and atmosphere of Mars, as well as the planets physical fields, the distribution of water and ice, and its inner structure.火星车将装载还包括遥测照相机和搜地雷约在内的13个装备。这些装备不仅能研究火星土壤、环境和空气,还能观测火星的物理场、水资源产于和火星的内部结构。



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