Indias richest man is rolling out a $20 billion mobile network that could bring lightning-fast Internet to hundreds of millions of people.印度首富于是以耗资200亿美元建设移动网络,或可使十亿人高速相连互联网。Indian consumers are already celebrating the arrival of Mukesh Ambanis new Reliance Jio service, seizing on the billionaires promise to deliver rock bottom prices and download speeds that will enable streaming video.印度消费者早已在庆典穆克什安巴尼新的发售的瑞来斯Jio网络服务。这位亿万富翁允诺,该网络不会以低于价格获取符合流媒体用于的下载速度。
The 4G network, which reaches more than 80% of the country, officially went live Monday with a set of generous introductory offers. 这个覆盖面积印度多达80%地区的4G网络于周一月通车,同时仁慈附赠试用套餐。Indians will be able to use Jio for free until the end of 2016, and pay as little as 149 rupees ($2.25) a month for data after that.印度人到今年年底都可免费用于Jio网络,之后的网费也只有每月149卢比(2.25美金)。
Anything and everything that can go digital is going digital -- at an exponential rate, Ambani told investors last week at his companys annual general meeting. 安巴尼在上周的公司年度大会上对投资者说道:所有一切能数字化的都在以指数速度数字化。Life is going digital.生活于是以南北数字化。Only one fifth of adults in India have access to the Internet. 印度只有五分之一的成年人有网能用。
Few public Wi-Fi spots exist, and fast broadband connections require infrastructure that is rarely found in poorer urban areas, much less rural ones.完全没公共无线网络站点。城市较贫困的地区很难寻找终端高速宽带所需的基础设施,农村地区则更加无以。
But that is changing fast. 但这一情况将迅速转变。If the Jio network succeeds, Ambani will be able to capitalize on a seismic shift that could see hundreds of millions of Indians come online in the coming years -- in most cases via a smartphone.如果Jio网络顺利,安巴尼将在未来几年从这场使数亿印度人联成网际网路的巨变中受益。大多数印度人都通过智能手机网际网路。
Its a market that tech industry giants desperately want to crack. 印度是科技巨头们极为觊觎的市场。Google has installed free Wi-Fi at train stations across India, and Facebook tried to offer a free version of its platform.谷歌已在印度各大火车站设置免费无线网络,脸书也企图向印度获取可登岸其平台的免费服务。Ambani has invested billions constructing nearly 100,000 telecoms towers across India. 安巴尼已投资数十亿美元在印度全境建设近10万座电信塔。
He estimates that Jio already covers some 18,000 cities and 200,000 villages. 他预计Jio网络已覆盖面积大约1.8万座城市和20万个农村。By March 2017, his aim is to reach 90% of the population.他的目标是在明年三月覆盖面积印度90%的人口。
Building a national 4G network from scratch represents a major risk for Ambani, who got out of telecoms about 15 years ago after a dispute with his brother, Anil Ambani, who controls Reliance Communications.从零开始建设全国4G网络对安巴尼也是众多风险。自从与兄弟阿尼尔安巴尼产生分歧后,他已离开了电信业大约15年。
而瑞来斯电信就由其兄弟力挽狂澜。The brothers, who together are estimated to be worth $26 billion, have patched things up in recent years. 据估计,安巴尼兄弟身家总计260亿美元,近年双方和好,Jio网络将可以用于瑞来斯电信的无线电频率。Jio will be able to use radio frequencies owned by Reliance Communications. Rival networks have responded to the launch of Reliance Jio with special offers of their own, making a price war a near certainty. 与其竞争的网络运营商已针对瑞来斯Jio网络发售了自己的特惠活动,一场价格战不致要打响。Airtel has slashed its prices for 3G and 4G service by 80%, and Vodafone has boosted the amount of data in its plans by nearly 70%.印度巴蒂电信一并其3G和4G服务降价80%,而全球通信巨头沃达丰在套餐价格恒定的情况下将流量提升了近70%。
If Jio, which means live life in Hindi, is to become another mega business in Reliances stable of energy, media, chemicals and retail operations, the network will have to be able to handle the load from millions of new customers.Jio在印地语中意为直播生活。如果Jio网络要沦为跨越能源、传媒、化工和零售业的瑞来斯集团的另众多主业,那它还须要忍受数百万新的用户的读取。
On Tuesday in New Delhi, a device on the Reliance network was showing impressive download speeds of 21 megabits per second. 周二,瑞来斯网络的监测设备表明其在新德里的下载速度很不俗,约21兆每秒。With $20 billion at stake, that kind of performance needs to be replicated across India.牵涉到200亿美元的投资,这样的网速必须让印度全境都享用到。